5 quick questions to ask yourself to determine the need for an eye exam:
1) When was your last eye exam?
If it’s been more than a year then now is a perfect time!
2) Is your vision blurry for distance, near, or both?
If so, it’s time to get your eyes checked.
3) Have you been having more headaches recently?
They may be vision-related, especially if you do a lot of computer work.
4) Do your eyes sometimes burn, or feel itchy, or look red?
Dry eye can manifest with multiple symptoms and people may not be aware they have dry eye. Having a comprehensive eye exam allows eye doctors to take a close look at your symptoms and find which treatment is most appropriate!
5) Are you in need of contacts or glasses?
We can help you find the options that work best for your lifestyle and budget, as well as find the best contact lens for your eyes!
Importance of having an eye exam comprehensively:
Eye exams go beyond just getting updated glasses or contact lens prescriptions. Our eye doctors are trained to provide a complete health assessment of the front and back of your eyes. Think of optometrists as your primary care eye doctor. We make sure your eyes are healthy and when complex surgical treatment is required we can facilitate referrals to the appropriate resources.
Our eyes are intricately connected to both our brain and our overall systemic health. They are the window to our bodies. Diabetes, high blood pressure, hypo/hyperthyroidism, and auto-immune conditions can all affect the eye and are detected via a comprehensive eye exam. This is why it’s important to have routine eye examinations and keep your eyes healthy!
Book a comprehensive eye exam today to make sure everything is in top shape!